Monday 1 April 2013

What! Just the one current?

Oh dear, just the one current for Charity to peck at. She looks so focused on that one goal but I think she may enjoy the rest of that hot cross bun anyway.  Easter leftovers are going to a very happy little bunch of hens.

Hope everyone has had a lovely peaceful Easter time.

Love from all of us inside and out of the chicken coop.



  1. If you're building your own chicken coop, you might feel a little intimidated. Don't. With some basic woodworking skills and a lot of patience, you can build a great coop that will house your girls comfortably for years to come.Just check this link you will learn how to built a good chicken coop..

  2. Backyard chickens are in! Along with popularity comes some ingenious ways of keeping chickens in style. Chicken coops
