Sunday 31 October 2010

Spooks in the Coop

Bobbing for apples.

Alas, poor Yorick.

Forget it Casper, you don't scare me!

Pumpkin Head

Igor the feathered claw

Even Witches have pets!

Happy Samhain to everyone!

Monday 18 October 2010

Harvest Hiccups

Oh fab! Windfall apples, full of naughty goodness. Just look at that rotten one, it's full of fermenting tasty bits.

Yum, I may have to sample one of these as well.

Or perhaps two! Yummy, I can taste the natural sugar and it's making me so happy! Weeeeeeh!

Oh dear! I feel soooo wob-errr-ly - Hic!

Ohhh my head hurts-hic! Ohhhhhhh, noooooo, I feelz bad! Hicc!

Beddddz I need my bed, hehehe!! Hic! Hahah Hic! Oh nooo I'm going to throw up that worm I ate earlier. Sl-eeep, I need sl-eeep.

Several hours later and more than forty winks

Oh that's better, never again! Hmm, well perhaps not until next year. Anyway, I am taking the meaning of harvest quite literally. I shall reap, gather and eat! In moderation of course.

Sunday 10 October 2010

And then there were three

Today was supposed to be a very lucky day due to the way the calender has fallen as it is 10/10/10. Unfortunately for me one of my hens died today. I felt so miserable for a couple of hours and I certainly didn't feel lucky. However, on reflection and in the company of the three gorgeous girls that are left, I think I am very lucky. I am lucky to have these wonderful little companions that share my life and put up with my mad behaviour inside their chicken coop.

A comment that Simon Whaley made on my other blog Working2Write, made me see that if I had never kept chickens, I would never of had my little book published.

I had just buried Branwen and was sat on the bench balling my eyes out when Blodwyn (my favourite) jumped up beside me. It was like when a dog can tell you are upset. They seem to sense the change and whatever their intentions are, it usually works, as it did for me. We sat in the sunshine looking out for a while, she was so close I could hardly take the picture below, but it was precious to me. Yes, today I do feel lucky!

Monday 4 October 2010

World Animal Day

It's World Animal Day today and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the relationship we have with our beautiful animals all over the world.

This fantastic organisation also supports decent conditions for all animals to live in.

Check out the World Animal Day website at

My hens are enjoying a sunny coop today but yesterday when it rained constantly, I went out and bought two very cheap shower curtains to cover the exposed areas. It rained so hard that the roof had started to leak and they looked very miserable, but after a while they were soon snuggling down in the straw and enjoying some boiled rice!

Whether you keep animals or not, it's great day to think about all the wonderful and amazing animals that share our planet.