"Hello girls, are you coming out to play?"
"Are you joking? It's horrid out there. We are fed up of the snow and rain. Even the 'Feather Girls' said it had been the worst winter in 30 years."
"I know, everyone feels the same at the moment, but look at this! Spring is just around the corner. The buds are starting to come out and the ground is getting softer."
"Ok, we will give it a try. I suppose, that veggie patch looks interesting".
"She's right, the ground has started to defrost a bit. I think there is a worm in there somewhere. Bagsy the first one!"
"Oh those are very pretty too, shame they are not edible."
"And those too, but I suppose Daffodils are an important part of Spring, and people seem to love them, they even write poems about them!"
"Oh but having a dust bath in the 'nearly spring sunshine' is so cool, perhaps a little bit too cool, but never the less, it feels good."
"And now I really do feel like a 'Spring Chicken' Yes, I think Spring is just around the corner!"